We are watching you
PBSW is now fully accredited by the Western Cape Department of Community Safety: Read More
You can view and read the full letter here: Notification of Accreditation Approval
Introduction & Background
For some time efforts have been made to establish an effective Street Watch for our village. A professional and an inclusive approach has subsequently been undertaken by several dedicated volunteers who, with the guidance of the Government’s Department of Community Safety (DoCS), the South African Police Service (SAPS), the local Community Police forum (CPF), lawyers, and others have founded our Neighbourhood Watch (NHW). The watch is now known as the Pringle Bay Street Watch (PBSW). For effectiveness, Pringle Bay Village has been divided into nine sectors each with its own sector head/coordinator and street coordinators who manage their sectors and sector Telegram groups of which you are expected as a member to participate in. For effective communication on this platform, a smartphone with the Telegram app installed is recommended. We also have a Facebook security page that you are welcome to join. All members are expected to act as the “eyes and ears” of the PBSW as this plays a vital role in making our village secure.
Advantages of Membership
- Ongoing awareness of suspicious activities in the village, including suspicious people and vehicles.
- It is free. If any funds are required in future, they will be voluntary donations.
- No rosters or duties. Patrols and/or reaction will be voluntary. We would appreciate your “eyes and ears” though.
- There has been a large increase in building and renovation. Apart from normal crime escalation, as populations grow, these building activities are also known to contribute to crime in an area. We are not immune.
- We encourage property owners, residents, and holiday home owners etc. to join the group. We need to grow to be effective and we need to take collective responsibility for our own safety and security.